Durham Courses

Common Course Pathways

For Additional Information:

Course Descriptions & Videos

Below you will find short videos describing each of the courses offered by the mathematics department. Please note that the instructors for each course vary from year to year. While the instructor featured in the video may not be currently teaching the course, all of our course offerings are aligned with our collaboratively established department beliefs.

Calculus-Related Courses

MA 3990/3992: Precalculus I & II

MA 4000/4002: Precalculus & Modeling w/ Advanced Topics I & II

MA 4012/4014/4016 Calculus Ia & Calculus Ib 

MA 4012 Calculus 1a 

MA 4016 Calculus 1b

MA 4014 Calculus 1b with AP Exam Prep 

MA 4042/4044/4046 Calculus I & Calculus II 

MA 4042 Calculus I

MA 4046 Calculus II

MA 4044 Calculus II with AP Exam Prep

MA 4050: Modeling with Differential Equations

MA 4060: Multivariable Calculus

This course includes the theory and application of vector functions and partial derivatives. Topics include a vector approach to regression modeling, the Frenet-Serret equations, continuity and differentiability of functions of several variables, gradients and directional derivatives, and classic optimization problems. Numerical methods such as Newton's Method for solving nonlinear systems and modeling with vector-valued functions of scalar and scalar-valued functions of a vector are included.

If you want to learn more, check this this video! 

MA 4240: Numerical Analysis

This course, which requires familiarity with a programming language, introduces students to the theory and practice of computational methods to analyze mathematical problems. Topics include computer arithmetic and computational error, function approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, curve-fitting, solving non-linear equations and systems of equations, and numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations. This course is the equivalent of a one-semester university course in numerical analysis.

If you want to learn more, check this this video! 

Statistics & Data Science Courses

MA 4100/4102: AP Statistics

This year long course constitute a comprehensive introduction to statistics and include all of the topics on the AP Statistics syllabus, with an emphasis on mathematical modeling.  It introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.

If you would like to learn more, check this video!

MA 4110: Foundations of Data Science

This course combines three perspectives: inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance. Given data arising from some real-world phenomenon, how does one analyze that data so as to understand that phenomenon? The course teaches critical concepts and skills in computer programming and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world datasets, including economic data, document collections, geographical data, and social networks. It delves into social issues surrounding data analysis such as privacy and design.

If you would like to learn more, check this video!

Applied Math Courses

MA 4200/CS4200: Cryptography

This course introduces students to cryptographic methods used to encipher and decipher secret messages with an emphasis on using computer programming to automate the process. Through class discussions, problem solving, group activities, and programming assignments, students will learn a variety of encryption schemes ranging from the age of Caesar to modern public key encryption used to secure digital communications online. Students will learn introductory number theory and statistics to describe these methods and identify weaknesses that allow secret messages to be read without the key. Students will also learn programming topics such as variables, functions, conditional logic, looping, and file input/output in the Python language to implement each cryptographic method. This course will utilize a blended learning environment with large portions of material being taught online and utilizing in class time for working in groups.

If you would like to learn more, check this video!

MA 4210: Topics in Civic Mathematics 

This course offers students an overview of a number of applications of mathematics, especially those topics that relate to the concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. Topics covered include fair division of resources and costs, voting methods, apportionment of legislative bodies, power of voting coalitions, and introductory graph theory. The course will also extend students' knowledge of matrices and their use in applications related to the social sciences. 

If you would like to learn more, check this video!

MA 4220: Mathematical Modeling

Students with advanced mathematical knowledge are introduced to the creative and analytic aspects of modeling real-world phenomena. Models from engineering, biology, political science, management science, and everyday life are examined through a variety of techniques. When presented with a situation, students learn to develop, test, and revise an appropriate model. The course is project-oriented and focuses on applying the mathematics students already know. Group work is required, and students present their work in extensive written reports.

If you would like to learn more, check this video

MA 4230: Complex Systems and Modern Networks

This course is a survey of topics involving complex systems and modern networks. Some of the topics studied in the course are fractals and iterated function systems, chaos and chaotic behavior, cellular automata and self-organization, genetic algorithms and neural networks. Web applications and computer programs are essential tools of the course. Familiarity with programming is advantageous but not necessary.

If you would like to learn more, check this video! 

Pure Math & Research Courses

MA 4300: Combinatorics & Game Theory 

This is a college-level mathematics course that introduces students to some of the major topics in combinatorics. Topics include permutations and combinations, binomial and multinomial expansions, inclusion-exclusion, methods of generating functions, recursive equations, and economic game theory.

If you would like to learn more, check this video! 

MA 4310: Topics in Theoretical Math 

Selected topics from number theory, abstract algebra, and advanced combinatorics, are studied. They include divisibility properties of integers, special properties of prime numbers, congruences, Euler's Phi function, and some applications to fields such as cryptography and computer science. Students are expected to enter this course with previous experience in proof writing. Students with programming experience are encouraged to use this tool to investigate some of the ideas presented in the course. Strong interest and talent in mathematics are required.

If you would like to learn more, check this video! 

MA 4320: Linear Algebra with Applications

This course is a study of systems of linear equations, matrices, vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, orthogonality and matrix decompositions. This course will focus on applications including least-squares solutions, Markov chains, and systems of linear differential equations as well as proof writing.

MA 4500: Graph Theory with REX Math

An introduction to formal mathematical proofs and research in mathematics in the field of graph theory.  This course develops the theory and application of graphs, a major area of modern mathematics, and also provides an introduction to mathematical proof and research. Students develop their ability to make thoughtful conjectures, and to verify those conjectures with valid mathematical arguments. This is done by considering questions of graph structures and colorings,properties of graphs, and some open questions in the field. Students are then required to investigate an open problem in which they demonstrate their ability to make conjectures and to write concise, complete, and coherent proofs. Strong interest and talent in mathematics are required.

If you would like to learn more, check this video! 

MA 4510: Research in Math

Research in Mathematics

Research in Mathematics II

If you would like to learn more, check this video !